Friday, July 29, 2011

发怒,是用别人的错误惩罚自己;烦恼,是用自己的过失 折磨自己;后悔,是用无奈的往事摧残自己;忧虑,是用虚拟的风险惊吓自己;自卑,是用别人的长处抵毁自己……当我们快乐时,并不是因为多拥有了什么,而是 减少了一些烦恼和执着;当我们痛苦时,并不是因为缺乏了什么,而是增加了一些自私和欲望。

【越在乎,越卑微】从现在开始,聪明一点,不要问别人 想不想你,爱不爱你?若是要想你或者爱你自然会对你说,但是从你的嘴里说出来,别人会很骄傲和不在乎你。不要过份在意一些人,过份在乎一些事,顺其自然, 以最佳的心态面对,这个世界就是这样:往往在最在乎的事物面前,我们最没有价值。

Monday, July 25, 2011


Like the title above

I m really OMG now....

My medical report haven't come out

Very nervous and scare now

I scare I cant get my visa on time!!!!!!!!!



Monday, July 11, 2011

A small update

It's been ages that I didn't update my
Recently,I had visited 2countries in just couple of weeks which is Thailand and Singapore!
It was an amazing experience!
Both of the trip I went with my friends.
This was my first time ever.(exclude local trip)
Let's talk about Thailand first.
At first,me and Bibo wish to go there by ourselves but due to the communication problem,I had decided to call my grandparents go along as both of them were more familiar with Thailand than we do.We went Thai by flight due to the promotion period.LOL.
Things that sold in Thai were so cheap!And the food there damn delicious.I bought many things at there.Especially clothes and pyjamas!!!!!I used up all of my money.T_T
Although used up all my money,i feel very satisfied!^^
The second place i went was Singapore!I went to Singapore in less than one week time after I back from Thai.Suddenly feel that I m so busy with travel.LOL.
I found that Singapore got a lot of delicious food!Especially hawker stall food!*yummy*
Ignore the exchange rate,the things and food they sold were not that expensive.Haha.
Although the weather in Singapore was damn hot,I still like Singapore very much.Wish to go again if I got chance!^^
It's just a small update about my Thai and Singapore trip.Just to let you all know I had an amazing,fun,enjoyable and memorable trip with my beloved buddies!=)

p/s:I didn't upload photo coz Im so lazy to upload it.Sorry guys for no photos to view.><